Saturday night hockey

Saturday night hockey
Saturday night hockey

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September Friday Night Sew In Report

I had my usual tired Friday - I think that is going to be my new name for it - like thirsty Thursday, then there is tired Friday.  Not that I hit the bar or the put on Thursday! 😇

But even though it was a tired night I managed to work a bit on a hand work project.  DD # 2 is coming for a visit in November and I realized that there are two projects that I want to finish before she arrives - not that they are gifts for her, but just so I can show them off to her.  She is my biggest critic of the fact that I don't finish things.  Well I do, but she is sceptical about the number of projects I finish compared to the number I start.  Probably correctly.

Anyway I can't show this project because then she'll know as she does read my blog.  But I took a little sneaky picture.  Tee hee...

And then today I managed to finish sewing the four patch purple squares for En Provence.

And remember this photo that I showed you a couple of weeks ago...

A lot of you bravely guessed what it is, and lots of you were close or spot on....  it is a milk crate full of potatoes that were in a cold room in my friend's basement, for who knows how long, trying their darnedest to grow.  Here's what they looked like when I tipped them into the compost pile.

Please be sure to drop by Wendy's blog to see what everyone else got up to for Friday Night Sew In.



  1. Hope you get you projects finished. Love your purple squares. Hugs, xx

  2. Good luck with your secret finishing lol! Beautiful squares too. Amazing stuff for the compost....never would have guessed!

  3. I hope that you can achieve your finishes.

  4. Hi Janet,hmm can't wait to see your secret your purple squares.
    Boy I wouldn't have guessed they were potatoes,lol xx

  5. Will be great to see you secret project after DD arrives...
    Great work on the purple squares.
    Weird way the patatoes grow...

  6. hey, I have a zip-lock bag in my vegetable drawer that is trying to look like that pile.
    Good luck with the finishes ... sometimes life keeps getting in the way.

  7. Oooh get ready for lots of potatoes growing in the compost :) Or in your garden... I love potatoes that come up like that and usually get a few meals out of them!
    Your purple blocks are pretty and can't wait to see them in the quilt with the other lovely blocks. And looking forward to seeing what you are making for DD :) xx

  8. Your purple blocks are great , can't wait to see this quilt completed . I never would have guessed this was potatoes, amazing little mess of roots .

  9. Cuántos cuadritos! Espero que logres terminar tus proyectos antes de que tu amada crítica llegue a tu casa. Un abrazo!!!
    PD: Nunca había visto unas papas en esa forma. Jamás lo hubiera podido adivinar, jajaja.

  10. Do you know - I thought chitting potatoes was too obvious!! Another exciting mystery pic - looks like a gorgeous starting point to me. Roll on your next post. xx
