The giveaway is now closed.
Thanks to Carol from Sew Sisters Quilt Shop for inviting me to participate in my first ever Blogathon! It is a round-up of Canadian quilt blogs and I’m here representing the Yukon Territory, along with Vivian of Quilting Under the Midnight Sun.
I have lived in the Yukon for more than 35 years, coming here first when I was 24, meeting my hubby here and settling in to have a family. My daughters are all grown; two of them live in the Yukon, not far from me. The third one lives in Newfoundland. Talk about the apple falling far from the tree! Hubby and I have three grandchildren – two who live with their parents in Whitehorse and the third is a step-grandchild on the east coast. I love having grandchildren!
I started blogging about three years ago. I have sewn since I was a young girl and love all forms of stitching and fabric. Once long ago I started a quilt, but it burned in a home fire before I finished it. About five years ago I took up quilting again, making baby quilts first, then bags and bigger quilts. I am not very prolific, because I work full time and drive two hours to and from work. But I started looking at blogs and decided I wanted to be part of the big world of swaps and showing quilts on line.
My blog also features lots of pictures of nature. I suffer from depression and nature helps me to find some reprieve. And the Yukon is so beautiful – well all of Canada is really. So I post pictures of sundogs in the winter sky..

And a Hairy Woodpecker on my feeder…

And sometimes I even show some quilting 
I participate in lots of swaps, make quilts for babies in my town and make about five big quilts a year. I’ve given them all away so far, but one just for me is coming soon. I also make lots of little things, bags, mug rugs, hot pads, wall hangings. I love to play with scraps more than anything else and I have three or four scrappy quilts on the go right now. Here are some of my small pieces along some pieces I’ve received in swaps.

As you can see I love colour! I don’t have anything recent or new to show, so I decided to put up my squares from the six inch block swap The block is called Cathy’s Campfire and I’ve asked for yellow, orange and red, with the odd touch of brown or blue. I am thinking of a blue sashing but would love any suggestions you have. I am still collecting these blocks as I think I need quite a few more. (The white dots are the maker’s names. I haven’t figured out a better way to keep track.)

Thanks so much for stopping in. Please check out my blog and please check out the other blogs in the blogathon. I only have a couple of Yukon blogs to list….
1. My friend Dahn blogs at The Wilderness City Quilter. She loves fabric dyeing and thread painting best but we make a few quilts together as presents for co-workers.
2. Danielle blogs at A Geeky Crafty Life. She e-mailed me a couple of months ago and asked me to give her a hexie flower lesson. Wow, was I flattered! It was great to meet her and she is full of exuberance.
3. I don’t know Nita from Nita Dances, but she has a cabin at Fox Lake as does my sister, so it’s like I know her. 
And if you haven’t already been by the bloggers from earlier this week, please check them out by clicking on the Sew Sisters button or the Blogathon Canada button.
Phew – and now for the giveaway. I asked Carol at Sew Sisters to pick something for me to give away as I was still on holiday when she needed to know – and she went all out Canadian!

Mighty Moose - Table Runner Kit and one metre of Stonehenge – Oh Canada Fabric. Wonderful! Too bad I can’t enter….
For one entry please leave me a comment telling me where you live – city, state/province, country.
If you are a follower leave me a second comment letting me know for a second entry.
I will draw the winner at 8 p.m. Pacific standard time, Saturday, November 24th.