Here is my progress for April.
1. Six inch quilt block swap – 2 per month – Done!!
2. Bee Balm block swap – Done!!
3. Block swap adventure – 1 - 12.5 in block – mail by the 25th. Done!! I was late with this one but got it done before the end of the month.
4. Inchy hexagon swap – 2 hexies per month Done!!
5. MMM Round Robin – mail by April 30th. Done!! Here is a sneak peek.

6. Simply Solids block swap – Done!!
7. Mystery Muse – finish the second item, which is about half done. Not Done…. in fact no progress at all on this.
8. Get your Hex On bee – mail by April 30th. Done!!
9. Charm Pack Table Runner – mail by April 30th - for Terry. Not done. But Terry is understanding….
* Finish the baby quilt! Done!! I finished it at the retreat but I have decided I want to do a little bit more quilting on it. I will show it once it is really done
** Put together FIVE blocks for Easy Street! Done!! I only did four, but I’m happy with that!
*** Finish the table mat I started for the Stitch Me Up blog hop. It is a gift. I need to get it mailed. Not done….
and now it is late enough that it doesn’t matter.
**** Work on the new X and + quilt that I started cutting out blocks for. Done!! I finished ten blocks at the retreat, but nothing more since then.
And here is my list for May…
1. Six inch quilt block swap – 2 per month – to be mailed by the 15th. Michell wants any block in blue and white.
2. Bee Balm block swap – No instructions on this one yet.
3. Block swap adventure – 1 - 12.5 in block – mail by the 25th. Agnes wants a traditional block in creams, brown, red, gold, green.
4. Inchy hexagon swap – 2 hexies per month – mail by April 30th. Kathryn wants bright cheerful colours. This I can do!
5. MMM Round Robin – mail by April 30th. I haven’t received my block to work on yet.
6. Simply Solids block swap – Mail by April 26th – Shena wants an Alberta Triangle block. Looks like fun.
7. Mystery Muse – finish the second item, which is about half done. This has top priority!!
8. Get your Hex On bee – mail by April 30th. Yvette wants a hexie flower or two for her Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt. I have one set of hexies all cut.
9. Charm Pack Table Runner for Terry. This one has to be high on the priority list too.
10. It’s for the Birds…. I am participating in this blog hop which starts tomorrow. My day is the 15th. I have something to show but I would like to make something else. Like finish my cardinal….
As well I am going to:
* Finish the baby quilt! Like get the little bit of quilting I decided to add done…
** Put together FIVE blocks for Easy Street! Yes five blocks is my goal for this month.
*** Finish the table mat I started for the Stitch Me Up blog hop. It is a gift. I need to get it mailed. This one also has high priority!
**** Work on the X and + quilt . My goal for this month is ten more blocks. A modest goal.
***** Work on the new project that I started…. A postage stamp quilt made with 2.5 inch squares. It is my new leader and ender project. I almost have one block of 100 squares finished already!
****** Make a dress for DGD’s doll. This is to try out the pattern that I won from Lilac Lane. If it works out well, I will make the same dress for my two GDs.
That is all. I would say that is enough!!