I’ve had a good month 
1. 6 inch quilt block swap Done!
2. Bee Balm block swap Done!
3. Block swap adventure Done!
4. Inchy hexagon swap Done!
5. MMM Round Robin – Done! Here is a sneak peek
6. Simply Solids block swap Done!
7. Mystery Muse - DONE!!
8. Get your Hex On bee Done!

9. Charm Pack Table Runner for Terry. Not Done 
10. It’s for the Birds Blog Hop project and post…. DONE!! And I made myself a great clothespin apron.
* Finish the baby quilt! DONE!!!
** Put together FIVE blocks for Easy Street! Twelve more blocks done! I am pleased!
*** Finish the table mat I started for the Stitch Me Up blog hop. Not Done.
**** Work on the X and + quilt . My goal for this month is ten more blocks. Only two blocks done.
***** Work on the new project that I started….A postage stamp quilt made with 2.5 inch squares. It is my new leader and ender project. Almost finished two blocks. This is going together quickly as a leader and ender.
****** Make a dress for DGD’s doll. Not Done.
Some things aren’t done. But I did some other things so I don’t mind… Like flags for the To Boston with Love project.
And here is my list for June:
1. Six inch quilt block swap – 2 per month – to be mailed by the 15th. Dawnelle wants any block in southwest shades.
2. Bee Balm block swap – The instructions are apparently on their way in the mail.
3. Block swap adventure – 1 - 12.5 in block – mail by the 25th. Cyndi wants a star block in brights, funky or modern on white.
4. Inchy hexagon swap – 2 hexies per month – mail by April 30th. Karyli wants yellow petals and black centres.
5. MMM Round Robin – mail by April 30th. This is the last month for this round robin. I haven’t received the block to work on yet.
6. Simply Solids block swap – Mail by April 26th – Anne Marie wants a complex Katherine Wheel. I’m going to have to concentrate to make this one.
7. Get your Hex On bee – mail by April 30th. Elita wants a simple 1.5 inch hexie flower and has sent gorgeous fabric for it. I’m half done already.
8. Charm Pack Table Runner for Terry. I am embarrassed that this isn’t done and it is TOP of the priority list.
9. A birthday star block for Quilt Diva Julie.
10. A mug rug for my secret partner in the Flickr Mug Rug Revival swap.
As well I am going to:
***** Finish Easy Street! Or try to any way. I have 16 square blocks to make and 10 triangle blocks. And borders and quilting. Yikes! Oh well, I will try..
**** Finish the table mat I started for the Stitch Me Up blog hop. It is a gift. I need to get it mailed. This one also has high priority!
*** Work on the X and + quilt . I’m going to try for ten more blocks again this month.
** Continue making leader/ender postage stamp blocks.
* Make the prototype dress for DGD’s doll. I need to decide if this dress is the right one for my GDs for the wedding in September…. DD#2’s wedding…
Spring is here and summer is crowding spring out the door. Life is hectic busy, but a girls gotta sew….