Saturday night hockey

Saturday night hockey
Saturday night hockey

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hello, It’s Been a Long Time, How Are You Today?

Life has been busy.  Summer seemed to whiz by and sewing and blogging both fell to the wayside. 

We had a fabulous sailing trip…IMG_6631


Mama moose had a new set of calves…


DD # 2 got married…

We had tons of company…


We got to spend time with our new granddaughter…


The garden was productive…. and we had a successful moose hunt…


I’m back in the swing of sewing now and I’ll be back to show you some of my projects that are lined up for the winter.  Smile



  1. It looks to me like you had enough on your plate. I hope you are not all worn out with all that activity and I'm glad you are back.

  2. Sounds like you had a terriffic summer. I've been remiss in posting this summer as well but plan to get back in the swing of things next Wednesday, haha. Glad you're back blogging!

  3. How lovely of you to share your photos with us and more so to hear something from you. I understand how "life" gets in the way of blogging and sewing but it sounds like you were enjoying yourself and that is the best thing of all!

  4. Sounds like life has been very busy. For me too, time just gets away from me. Wonderful photos!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Its beautiful there!

  5. That all looks like a wonderful time, specially the meat hanging on the verandah. Take life slowly, as your winter arrives. Cheers, Jean.

  6. Your summer sounds very busy and wonderful too. Glad you are starting to slow down just a wee bit to share all the greatness.

  7. Welcome back!!! Sounds like you had a very busy summer. Time now to relax and enjoy some sewing time!!

  8. So good to see your post come up on my dashboard and catch up on all your news

  9. Welcome back. It looks like you had a busy and fun summer.

  10. So glad to see you back - love the picture of the moose hunt results!

  11. Good to see you were busy having a great summer instead of posting. Never know what might be causing silence in the blog world. Congratulations on all.

  12. Good to see you back, enjoy the Moose, I have never tried it but do get a supply of Venison. I am stocking up with crafting supplies, it does not take much bad weather to close our roads for a few days and i like to be prepared.

  13. no matter what I do .. I can't say those little moose (is there a plural for them) are cute ... they are just huge.
    Now I wonder what moose tastes like .. probably like reindeer? or our european elk? ...
    Looks like you had a lot of fun things to keep you busy - are you going to do Bonnie Hunter's mystery again this year? I need someone to cheer me on ...
    Ohh yeah - welcom back to blogland!

  14. Welcome back Janet... Lots of nice things been happening in your part of the world.....
    Yes I have been thinking about doing the Bonnie Hunter Mystery.. First time for me if I do...

  15. what a busy time you have had!
    the moose calves are so cute. lovely that you have been having a good time while you were away.
