Saturday night hockey

Saturday night hockey
Saturday night hockey

Sunday, December 9, 2012


The giveaway is now closed.  Thanks for entering.

My it’s been a long time….. but I have been busy.  With what?  Well….
I finished up my additions to blocks for the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin and for the Quilt U Be Mine Round Robin and sent them on their way.  I can’t show them to you but them involved some of this….
I created these two blocks for Julie in the 6 Inch Block Swap.  She wanted grey, orange and white. 
I finished the binding on this quilt.  A nice tumble in the washer and it will be ready for gifting.  It is for my ex-boss who retired at the beginning of November.
And I decide to play along with Bonnie Hunter for her latest mystery quilt “Easy Street”.  She is already on to step three but I’m still working on step one. 
Today I made some shortbread cookies.  DH has decided that we should stop eating wheat after reading the Wheat Belly book and I’m willing to try it out because I think wheat is largely the culprit behind my reflux problem.  These shortbreads are made with rice flour and are quite delicious.  The recipe came from Andra Banting’s blog The Brighter Side of Gluten Free.  I’m going to try a wheat free Christmas cake as well.  The fruit is soaking in the whiskey as we speak.
And we had visitors today.  They arrived around 1 p.m., ate a bunch of fireweed and willow sticks then proceeded to bed down behind our sauna.  They didn’t leave until around 9 p.m.  DD # 3 was visiting with her two dogs so they and Zeke had to stay in the house most of the day.  And yes, she was eating sunflower seeds out of my bird feeder! 
Someone had told me that there was a rumour one of the calves had been killed by wolves, but they were both with her.
And now for the giveaway.  Quilting Gallery is having their yearly blog hop party with giveaways.  This year they celebrate their 5th anniversary!   I am giving away one yard of this fabric.  The blocks are 3 inches square and repeat every fourth square each direction.  It is very cute.
The giveaway is open to anyone in the world.  It will close on December 16th at 1 a.m. PST and I will draw the winner sometime later that day. 
1.  Leave me a comment suggesting a book I should read.  I like mystery, true life adventure, historical novels, biography, older fiction and any new fiction that doesn’t just follow a formula plot.
2. Followers can leave a second comment for a second entry.
Edited to add – I have received three anonymous spam so far.  So, sorry for those of you that don’t have an id,  but I’ve removed anonymous commenting.  Join Google and you can comment with your id….
I do like to try and answer any comments on my blog, but I still haven’t finished answering the comments from the last giveaway, so please forgive me if you don’t hear back from me.  I really appreciate you visiting.
And please check out the other participants in the blog hop at Quilting Gallery.


  1. The Help, and some authors: Ian Rankin, Lily Brett, Peter Ackroyd ... You can always try using spelt - it has a bit of a richer taste, but has the same characteristics as wheat - BUT because it has a more complicated wrapping than wheat grains, so it's more complicated to get the single grains out it's still quite the basic form of the plant, and not some over-bred (do you say breeding if you create new plant varieties by crossing them?) anyway, spelt is a pretty neglected grain, and people with only slight problems with gluten sometimes can eat spelt. [I'm ending the excursion into grains now, there are of course a lot more to choose from, though it'S not alwasy easy to get hold of them, and most just don't have the same characteristics when it comes to using them for abking etc.]

  2. How fun Janet.... some lovely stitching and so great to read about your visitors.... the fabric looks great so of course I would like to enter.... we have an australian mystery series which is quite fun....
    set in the 1920's.... of course it would also provide a bit of Aus history....

  3. ... and being a follower and I am putting in for a second entry....

  4. I'm following
    and jsut in case - the latin name for spelt: "Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta" as my dictionary als translates it as simply being the outer shell of the grains ...

  5. Nice blocks, Janet! Cute fabric, too, for the giveaway. I really can't recommend any reading for you. I just read what some refer to "airplane fiction"... or "no- brainers", I guess. When I read I just want to escape my daily routine. ;)

  6. I read a total mish mash of styles but love crafting books. My current favourite is Craft by Kirstie Alllsop published by Hodder & Stoughton, I bought it from Amazon. It covers a wide range of crafts and I have cherry picked through it, however I am going to try all of them.

  7. I am now following by e mail. I spotted on a giveaway comment that you are stocking 2 1/2 inch squares, I have cut stacks of these for a project next year and have a pile of doubles and odd bits that are in a "spares" box, if you would like to give some of them a new home email your postal address and i will gladly send some your way.

  8. By far, the best fiction I have read in a long time is "the Distant Hours" by Kate Morton. This past weekend I read an Australian biography called "Head over Heels" by Sam and Jenny Bailey -- very inspiring!

  9. The best book I've read recently was "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton. Hope you like it.

  10. I'm a Follower and I love your Give-Away fabric! Thank you, in advance!

  11. OH, now I have to check your comments every day so I can get more book hints. I just finished the last book in the William Monk series written by Anne Perry. Her stories take place in Victorian England and are good mysteries that suck you in and keep you reading to the very last paragraph. I'm glad all is well across the frozen pond from here.

  12. I've recently discovered Anita Shreve! I'm reading 'Fortunes Rocks' at the moment

  13. Seguidora
    GFC 318 e por E-mail.

  14. Cinquenta tos de cinza de E L JAMES. Trilogia

  15. I enjoy any of Alexander McCall Smith's books - they are all relaxing and engaging reads. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  16. I too am looking for something fresh to read. My newest book is Flirtations With God.

  17. How neat to have a moose at your bird feeder! I don't know if you like Dean Koontz but his Odd series is wonderful. Love the fabric for your giveaway!

  18. I am a follower, thanks again for the giveaway!

  19. Lots of interesting things happening in your household. Great photo of the moose munching on seeds .Those cookies look great .As for a book to recommend I loved the book The Secret Garden and right now I am reading a classic Emma and I have to say I am really enjoying it. Thanks for the chance to win that great fabric , if I win it will be a birthday gift:-)

  20. I am of course a follower !Thanks Janet for the chance.

  21. "Lincoln at Cooper Union" by Harold Holzer. **Fabulous** read if you like biographies or Lincoln. :D I'm also enjoying the Victorian mystery series by husband/wife team, Robin Paige. "Death at Bishop's Keep" is the first one. Historical fiction mysteries set in early 1900s Britain. Quite entertaining and fun historical vignettes.

  22. I'm a follower, and yep - I'm gonna watch this strand, too, so I can get some more book ideas. :)

  23. uhh I need to work on the valentines swap too, AND easy street, I'm also just on step 1.

  24. I really enjoyed "The Help". I am also working on the Bonnie Hunt "Easy Street". I did finish step 1, but don't have it posted yet on my blog. Starting on step 2 this morning. Thanks for this giveaway.

  25. Pride and prejudice is always a good choice to read. Ah, Mr Darcy makes me swoon

  26. I am not a reader; unless quilt magazines But the Allen Leger story is a very interesting read..true story.

  27. I just picked up, and can't put it down now, The Devil's Puzzle by Clare O'Donohue.
    It's a mystery within the quilting world. It's a well paced book and so far I've thoroughly enjoyed this edition. I'm asking Santa for the other 3 in the series.

  28. Janet - have you read Traveling With Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor? It's one of my favorites.

  29. I'm a new follower. Where do you live? We live in the Idaho mountains and regularly have elk visiting in herds (followed by the wolves, of course). We also have a few moose but they keep pretty much to the river bottoms. I Love wildlife, so I'm very intrigued with your fabric. It would make such a nice quilt.
    Happy holidays - stay warm.

  30. I love moose (in nature, in art and on the plate) and your giveaway is fabulous! A book? If you want to laugh give a chance to Tina's Fey "Bossypants".

  31. Tale of Two Cities is an excellent read...or Ivanhoe.

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  32. That is cute fabric! Have you tried Jennifer Chiaverini's books?

  33. I will recommend Jodi Picoult's The Pact. I am working on Step 2 for the Easy Street mystery quilt :D Never too late for you to start now.

  34. A while back I read My Sister's Keeper and thought that was a very engaging read -- the ending leaves you rethinking the whole book, too, which I love! Right now I'm reading and enjoying The Help. Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. perfect fabric for you blog giveaway. Love it. I really like reading Anne Rule's books or Sandra Brown has some good mystery books as well. Thanks.

  36. I'm a follower by email. Thanks again.

  37. I am reading a wild goose chase christmas by jennifer allee. Its crom a series, quilts of love series by various authors a nd are really great reads. Janet evanovich has a series about stephanie plum that are laugh out loud funny. I also like karen harper and greg illes

  38. I am already a proud follower

  39. I am a follower by google and email. Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw. have a very Merry Christmas.

  40. Have you read any Diana Gabaldon? She is my hero!!

  41. I recommend the King James Bible first of all. :-) I enjoy reading history and probably the most interesting book I read this year was "Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick. I learned a lot about the Pilgrims and the establishment of the early colonies that I did't know before. It was a fascinating read.

  42. Have you read the Jewels of paradise by Donna Leon?

  43. I follow.Thanks for the chance!

  44. That fabric is wonderful! A book I loved is "Land of the Burnt Thigh" by Edith Eudora Kohl. It's a story of women homesteaders on the South Dakota frontier.

  45. I follow via email. Thanks for the second chance.

  46. What a wonderful giveaway and I love your blog name, too.

    I really can't suggest a book as I am currently reading only health books and I have forgotten the names of the last novels I read. Sorry about that.

  47. I am reading: Moonwalking with Einstein , a nice book!
    Thanks for the give away

  48. I love Janet evanovich Stephanie plum series, great books

  49. I love medical mysteries, so Robin Cook is my choice! Dean Koonz is another great author who BTW has a summer home in my town. Thank you for the great giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net.

  50. I follow you via e-mail! jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  51. Hi!
    I just finished reading Knit,Purl,Die - a knitting shop mystery. It was pretty good. I checked it out from the Whitehorse Library.

    Happy Christmas!

  52. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn or The Virgin Cure are both good books!

  53. My favourite books are the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. Start at Outlander, and read them in order. The series will keep you occupied through a long, northern winter! There are 7 books so far, each at least 800 pages long, but they are page-turners!

  54. Haven't read mysteries in a while. Have you read agatha christie? or hugh pentecost? both are great authors.

  55. Anything by Kate Morton. The Distant Hours is a nail biter!

  56. i'm reading kate atkinson's 'when will there be good news' that is engrossing ...can't put it down. a thriller! no formula plot!

  57. i'm a happy follower :) got a whole new reading list! thanx!

  58. I'm an Anne Rice fan and love reading all the old vampire chronicles. "The Vampire Lastat" is my favorite. Love, love, love your giveaway. Than you.

  59. I would suggest anything by J.D. Robb - Lt Eve Dallas series. I also love Terry Fallis - has books set in the Ottawa area and Louise Penny - based in QC.

  60. What a great idea! I HIGHLY recommend "Girl Gone" by Gillian Flynn. It's an awesome who-dun-it! Happy New Year!

  61. Have you read any of the PD James books yet? They are good.

  62. What an interesting fabric! I've never seen it before.

    Just now I am reading "The Lost" by Daniel Mendelsohn. It is about his search to learn about six family members who perished in the Holocaust, 60 years after the fact. Very interesting.

  63. Hmmm, a book? I've read a few of Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Quilt series. Very good books.

  64. One of my favorite books is "The Runaway Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!

  65. Ian Rankin is one of my favourite authors. While normally Stephen King's books are not ones I read, his alternate history "11/22/63" was a book I found hard to put down.
    I love that fabric -- what a great choice for a giveaway!

  66. The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart she is one of my favorite writers.

  67. Hi Janet,
    I loved the picture of your moose and the fabric is fantastic. I made my dad an animal quilt last year and it would have been a perfect border for it ..
    There are lots of great authors out there these days- if you like Mystery - then Iris Johansen or the Catherine Coulter FBI Series with Dylan Savich and Sherlock his wife. I loved Tatiana de Rosnay's Sarah's Key and of course The Help. I also really liked Julie Klassen's work. There are just so many great books out there to read.. hope you find something that appeals.
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop.
    Regards from Alberta,

  68. The 19th wife is fantastic - historical fiction and modern day mystery all in one. It's two different stories that ate inexorably linked... Happy reading! And check out - a wealth of book recommendations based on the books you read/want to read.

  69. Love the fabric you are giving away. I love to read too! some nonfiction books I like are Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza,Killing Kenndey by Bill O'reilly, the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and Have a little faith by Mich Albon, for fiction The contract Surgeon and the Indian Agent by Dan OBrien The elm quilt books by Jenifer chiaverini, I know someone mentions book and I go crazy:)

  70. My book suggestion is " Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society" written by Mary Ann Shaffer, after her untimely death her neice nnie Barrows edited it and had it published. It is an epistolary novel about a female newspaper columnist who travels to Guernsey Island, after she begins to correspond with one of the residents there. Some people broke curfew when German Forces ossupied their Island, and they invented the title as an alibi. Captivating, human, with joy and sadness woven though.I could read it over and over again. I hope you get to read it too. Greetings from Jean

  71. I follow too. Greetings from Jean

  72. My favorite book is the Bible. Maybe start with the Psalms. So rewarding and comforting. This is a wonderful giveaway and being married to an outdoorsman, my hubby would love it too.

  73. I just started following you. We have deer that visit our yard up here above Placerville, California and we watch the little fawns grow up. It's so rewarding, just like with your bigger animals. Life is good.

  74. I would suggest anything by Lee Child, James Lee Burke, Diana Gabaldon or Sara Donati.

  75. This fabric is fun, I love the mooses!
    I'm reading "The Secret Life of the Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. It's rather a youths' book, but it's precious.
    For a really long read I'd recommend some saga by Ken Follett, Diana Gabaldon, Jean M. Auel or something similar.

  76. I've just started reading Death in Sardinia by Marco Vichi which is a murder mystery.

  77. I used to read, read, read, and now I haven't read a book in ages! But if you haven't read some of the classics....all the Jane Austen novels are lovely....especially Pride and Prejudice.....and I have always been a fan of the Scarpetta mysteries by Patricia Cornwell...........I love the fabric and thank you for the giveaway!

  78. I am a follower. thanks for participating in the Blog Hop with this lovely giveaway.

  79. I am a follower...Mother Theresa is a gift to humankind from the Lord. It would be lovely if you could read "Mother Teresa: In My Own Words" by Jose Luis Gonzales. Mother Theresa with her untiring love and services...who received the rewards in her heart.


  80. I am now a follower of your blog, I love the name of your blog. Thank you Hope you wil visit my blog.

  81. I'm a new follower... thanks for a great giveaway!

  82. I have started reading mysteries by Jo Nesbit, a Norwegian author. I started with The Snowman.

  83. I think you will like Shanghai Girls by Lisa See or Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey by the Countess of Carnarvon.

  84. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is my favorite book. Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  85. First Lady of the Confederacy: Varina Davis's Civil War by Joan E. Cashin. THank you for the give away and the pics on your site. My mom read Wheat Belly and made dietary changes. She lost weight and reports decreased health issues. Always appreciate non wheat flour recipes. Thank you.

  86. Boring, probably, but my re-read is always Pride & Prejudice!

    Thanks for the glimpse into your backyard! When we lived in northern BC, we always had moose come visit. We have photos of them with their noses pushed up against our dining room window, and drinking melted snow from around the veranda poles!

  87. I follow using Google Friend Connect. Thanks for the chance!

  88. I'm a big fan of the beacon at Alexandria. Worth looking for! Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. Any thing by Jody Piccoult. She always has a zinger surprise.

  90. I personally like reading anything by Jodi Piccoult, but if you read too many, the endings become obvious! I also like reading Robin Cook books!

  91. I would suggest The Hunger Games trilogy. I couldn't put it down. Read all three in three days.

  92. I too have the book Wheat belly, trying also to switch to gluten free baking and cooking. I enjoy Nora Roberts books, always a good love story. I am a follower via email. Beautiful fabric my husband would go wild over a quilt made with it.

  93. My favorite book series is Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. Some history, romance, science fiction/fantasy, hard to classify, just great reading! Big books, and there are 7 of them so far, with a spin off series as well. I recommend them to everyone!


  94. "Catch Me If You Can" is a fantastic book. I couldn't put it down! There is a Tom Hanks movie made from this book also.

  95. I am a new follower. I look forward to getting to know you through your blog!

  96. I enjoy the JD Robb In Death sure to read in order for the most enjoyment. I appreciate your shortbread cookie recipe as my husband had to go gluten free and am always looking for proven recipes. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  97. I like the Jennifer Chiaverini series. She uses quilts as a common theme through the book. Some of her stories are historical and some are current day. I enjoyed them. I am a new follower.

  98. I am a follower. Thanks for the second chance.

  99. I loved the Maze Runner series. This fabric is adorable. Thanks for the chance to win this. It would look great in my living room in a quilt.

  100. I love the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child! Not boring, not predictable, and with the OCCASIONAL laugh out loud moment. LOVE HIM.

  101. I just finished the Outlander Series myself. I couldn't put them down. I can't wait for the next one.

  102. You would probably like The Other Bolyn Girl or the Virgin's lover, and if you want something unusual try The Night Circus.

  103. I am already a follower
    And I would really like to see a caribou!
    In Virginia we get alot of white tail deer, and some really large bears, but nothing like your visitors!

  104. OMG I love your moose! How lucky your are to have nature so close.
    I don't get much time to read so it's hard to suggest a book for you. Lately I just read quilting books. So I'll suggest 3 - fabric quilts.

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  105. I love anything by Beryl Kingston, her books are harder to find now as they seem to be out of print, but often historical fiction set in one of the big wars. She has some set in a more contemporary setting as well that are just as good.

  106. My grandson turned me on to John Flanagan's the Ranger's Apprentice series. Easy, fun, well written. Thanks.

  107. I love anything by Laura Childs.

  108. I haven't read anything for a while. I liked Fablehaven. Thanks for chance to win.

  109. If you like mystery you will love John Grisham books. Love the fabric, thank you.

  110. Good books: Christy , Rod Rides High , All of the Jane Austen books , and Anne of Green Gables

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  111. I have three grand kids that would die for a quilt from this fabric of wild animals! I promise I would split it up between them if I win!!! The series of books I love are by Fern Michaels...tracks a family from the early 20's to the early 90's..amazing. FIrst generation trilogy is Kentucky Heat/Rich/Fury, second generation is Vegas, Heat/Rich/Fury and the third generation is Texas Heat/Fury/Rich with a final closing book Texas Sunrise. I re read and still can't put them down!
    Thanks for the chance!
    (or the Google one!)

  112. I just read the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and it was actually very good. Thanks for the giveaway! I love that fabric.

  113. Harlan Coben, I don´t know the titles in english, but I like his books. So exciting stories!
    Gun, sweden

  114. Eat Pray Love is a great book- adventures and biography... Old but just now read it :)

  115. I'm your follower via GFC, Thanks!

  116. I'm a fan of Dickens and the Bronte sisters.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  117. I like historicals romance and Bertrice Small is my favorite authoress.

  118. I am currently reading Dean Koontz. I have all his books on my Kobo and am going through them one by one. I'm also doing Bonnie's mystery. I'm finished clue 3 and patiently waiting for clue 4.

  119. I like Ken Follett's historical novels; liked Pillars of the Earth best, but the Century Trilogy started well.

  120. I like the stephanie plum books by evanovich

  121. I'm very envious of all the reading being done. At this point in life, I don't have much time for reading, but I am making a list of what you recommend for a later date :) Does a quilting magazine count??

  122. Ive enjoyed the Game Of Thrones books that are just so hard to put down by George R R Martin,,, do enter me in your fabulous give awayx

  123. I am a follower. I love reading your posts especially the ones with unexpected visitors!

  124. I have just finished reading "Hand Me Down" by Michelle Holman. It is a very light fiction book and I enjoyed reading it on a 4 hour flight home with my children, I finally managed to finish it last week - more than 4 weeks after getting home.

  125. I like all the janet evanovich books about stephanie plum. They make me laugh out loud every time.

  126. Try Eat, Pray, Love. I know it's an oldie...but very a good read. Awesome fabric.

  127. I suggest the Stieg Larsson series. thanks for the chance to win a wonderful fabric.

  128. Janet Evoniavich Stephanie Plum series. A lot of fun. I am a follower. thanks for the giveaway, Merry Christmas!

  129. I think you'd really like Laurie R. King's books, especially the Mary Russell series which begins with The Beekeeper's Apprentice. Her stand-alone books are also excellent.

  130. anything by Shirley Rousseau Murphey, Janet Evanovich or Laurie King

  131. I liked the series from Vickie McDonough. There are 3 books - The Anonymous Bride, Second Chance Brides,and Finally a Bride. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  132. I'm already a follower via gfc! :)

  133. I am currently laughing my way through Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich. Her books crack me up! As far as mysteries go I tend to like "cosies", but the Evanovich books are just good fun.

    Your visitors are...well, not exactly cute, but I like them anyway! Thank you for the nice giveaway. :)

  134. If you have not read the Nero Wolfe mysteries, written by Rex Stout, you might really enjoy them. They are also plentiful!

  135. I am a regular follower of your blog. Happy holidays!

  136. I always make at least one moose project every year for my Mother In Law.. she is from Newfoundland....

  137. I quite enjoyed Micro by Michael Crichton. I love that fabric.

  138. horrid that spammers can try to load off anywhere, nothing is sacred anymore :-(

    I love your visitors, love the snow, love the wolves... would you consider a home swap? You have our miner's terrace house in South Wales and we your home? No? didn't think so... can't blame a girl for trying though can you? LOL

    Right, book? erm well one other has asked for a book to read, right now I am so bogged down with catching up on christmas quilts I am making (a broken sewing machine put me very behind), it is brand new too...! anyway, quilts, and cushions have found themselves at the fore front of my time, books well... I read to my 18 month old baby boy as I nurse him at night. This book I can recommend heartily... 'Harry and the Dinosaur's make a wish',

    There is mystery, intrigue, humour...

    Good luck with your Caribou residents.... x J x

  139. new follower by email. Love those Moose!

  140. A book I've read recently that I just loved, is "Cutting for Stone". Yes, it's long, and a serious subject matter. But great characters and plot. And an excellent sense of place (Ethiopia)

  141. all Robert Parker books are good. thanks for the givaway

  142. You should read. Half the sky it is life changing.

  143. I'm already a follower through GFC.

  144. I recently finished the new Jennifer Chavernini book called "The Giving Quilt". It is a wonderful story.

  145. South of Broad by Pat Conroy is a good book to read about steamy Charleston, SC in the winter :) Has a couple of twists, good character development. I am a celiac, and have been on a gluten-free diet since 1998. Feel free to email me with questions you have on cooking glutenfree :)
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  146. I am a follower :) Happy Holidays!

  147. Your fabric is awesome. I have enjoyed reading Lyn Andrews, she writes about Liverpool and her stories are so well written and captivating. I also enjoyed Honolulu by Alan Brennart. Francine Rivers and Tricia Goyer and two more authors I love.

  148. Been following for a while. Just got back into reading not too long ago, and Kim VOgel Sawyer got my attention with a book from our church library. Thanks for the giveaway.

  149. I just started following you.

  150. Sadly I don't have a lot of book suggestions - most of what I read nowdays are of the Dr Seuss or picture book variety LOL. I can suggest my favorite book - Pride and Prejudice if you haven't read it yet.

  151. I am a new follower! I love the fabric. I would suggest "Those Who Save Us".

  152. Hi, thanks for the chance to win. Tomorrow is my birthday! maybe I will get lucky! I just finished reading the "Longmire" series by Craig Johnson and really enjoyed them.

  153. Such a wonderful panel. I am reading a series of mysteries by P.L. Gaus. Fascinating.

  154. I am a follower! Love the picture with the Sun Dogs. I hope I see some this year.

  155. I just started The Giving Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.

  156. I am a new follower! Thanks for the chance to win ;)
